
Goals and Benefits

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Smoky Mountain Memories, Forever

Find your strategy


Do you have questions or need more information? You can contact a Friends of the Smokies by email at Lauren@FriendsoftheSmokies.org. Your inquiry is always confidential.

Give beyond your lifetime and leave a legacy that supports Great Smoky Mountains National ParkInclude Friends of the Smokies in your will or living trustKnow that you are leaving a lasting and meaningful legacy to sustain projects and programs in the Smokies.
Guarantee a reliable source of income for yourself, while supporting Friends of the SmokiesEstablish a Charitable Remainder Trust or Charitable Gift AnnuityReceive income payments for a set period, knowing that the remaining balance supports the work and mission of Friends of the Smokies
Provide support to both Friends of the Smokies and the heirs to your estateConsider a Charitable Lead TrustLeave your estate to your designated beneficiaries after consistently providing gifts to Friends of the Smokies over a period of time.
Reduce your taxable incomeGive gifts of appreciated securities or donate from your IRAReduce capital gains taxes upon transfer, or make a gift that may count towards your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution but is not taxable income
Give a gift to support the Smokies that does not draw from your estateName Friends of the Smokies as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy that is not neededIncrease your ability to give a generous gift to support Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Support the Smokies, with flexibilityMake Friends of the Smokies a beneficiary of your Donor Advised FundProvide meaningful support to Friends of the Smokies in accordance with your current circumstances and financial goals


Be part of the Smokies Legacy

Estate Planning Essentials

Legal Name: Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Employer Identification Number (EIN):  62-1564782

National Address: Friends of the Smokies, 3099 Winfield Dunn Parkway, Kodak, TN 37764

Do you have questions or need more information? You can contact our planned giving professional Kathryn Hemphill by email at kathryn@friendsofthesmokies.org. Your inquiry is always confidential.


Is Friends of the Smokies already in your will?

If you have made provisions for Friends of the Smokies in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy, we would love to hear about it. Please complete our Confidential Planned Giving Form.