Smoky Mountain Memories, Forever
Choose Your Gift
Do you have questions or need more information? You can contact a Friends of the Smokies by email at Your inquiry is always confidential.
Making Friends of the Smokies part of your future plans is a significant way that one can make a lasting impact to preserve and protect Great Smoky Mountains National Park. A long-term commitment to Friends of the Smokies not only ensures that our natural and cultural resources will be here for future generations, it can also provide financial benefits to you and your family. Discover the many ways you can help Friends of the Smokies while meeting your own financial goals.

Planned Giving Options

Donor Advised Fund
A Donor Advised Fund allows you the flexibility to recommend how often and how much money is granted to Friends of the Smokies and other charities. You can recommend a single or recurring gift, or list Friends of the Smokies as a beneficiary of the entire account or a percentage of the fund.

Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity allows you to feel confident you have a dependable income while supporting Friends of the Smokies. With a charitable gift annuity, you agree to make a gift to Friends of the Smokies. In return, we agree to pay you a fixed amount each year for the rest of your life. The balance is used to support the work and mission of Friends of the Smokies. A charitable gift annuity can qualify you for a variety of tax benefits.

Appreciated Securities
Securities and mutual funds that have increased in value and been held for more than one year offers the chance to make a lasting impact for Friends of the Smokies while providing benefits to you. By donating appreciated securities you can reduce capital gains taxes on the transfer, and potentially be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction.

Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust allows you to establish a trust of your estate and/or assets. You will receive payments from the trust for a period of time, or for life. At the end of the term, the remaining balance is transferred to Friends of the Smokies.

Charitable Lead Trust
A charitable lead trust allows you to transfer cash or other assets into a trust that makes payments to Friends of the Smokies for a period of time. When this period ends, the remainder of the trust passes to your designated beneficiaries.

IRA Gift
If you are 70 ½ and no longer contributing towards your retirement, you can donate to Friends of the Smokies directly from your IRA. A qualified charitable distribution of up to $100,000 counts towards your required minimum distribution, but is not included in your taxable income.

Beneficiary Designation
It is very easy to name Friends of the Smokies as a beneficiary of your:
- Retirement plan
- Donor advised fund
- Life insurance policy
Start by requesting a change-of-beneficiary form from your policy administrator or download the form from your provider’s website. Once you have made the desired change and returned the form to establish your gift, let us know by filling out the confidential Friends of the Smokies Planned Giving Form.

Leave a lasting legacy by including Friends of the Smokies in your will or living trust. With the help of an attorney, you can make a specific, percentage, or residual request. It takes as little as one sentence.
Sample language:
“I give to Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 3099 Winfield Dunn Parkway, Kodak, TN 37764, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.”
To designate your provision for a particular purpose
“I give to Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 3099 Winfield Dunn Parkway, Kodak, TN 37764, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property]. This gift should be used for (state purpose) if and so long as Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Your Goals & Benefits
Be part of the Smokies Legacy

Estate Planning Essentials
Legal Name: Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Employer Identification Number (EIN): 62-1564782
National Address: Friends of the Smokies, 3099 Winfield Dunn Parkway, Kodak, TN 37764
Do you have questions or need more information? You can contact our planned giving professional Kathryn Hemphill by email at Your inquiry is always confidential.
Is Friends of the Smokies already in your will?
If you have made provisions for Friends of the Smokies in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy, we would love to hear about it. Please complete our Confidential Planned Giving Form.