
Category: Classic Hike of the Smokies

Wildflowers add special treat to GSMNP trails

June 23, 2024

Blue-eyed grass

by Julie Dodd Great Smoky Mountains National Park is home to a vast array of flowering plants. The more than[…]

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Schoolhouse Gap Trail hike provides views of wildflowers, mushrooms and Park’s boundary

August 28, 2023

FOTS hiking group at Schoolhouse Gap Trail

by Beth RansomHike Leader Fifteen hearty hikers gathered at the Schoolhouse Gap Trail parking area Tuesday morning, Aug. 8, 2023. […]

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Hike from Polls Gap to Hemphill Bald – mountain views and perfect weather

July 31, 2023

Hikers along fence on Cataloochee Ranch

by Kevin FitzGeraldHike Leader The Classic Hikes of the Smokies ventured to Hemphill Bald from Polls Gap on Tuesday, July[…]

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