
Printable GSMNP plant species list available online

May 26, 2021

GSMNP wildflower - photo by Linda Spangler

by Julie Dodd

If you are a plant enthusiast or are just starting to discover the diversity of plants in the Smokies, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park provides a printable plant species list to help you locate plants in the park.

GSMNP Plant List“This list is in the form of a printable report and contains information on plant abundance, elevation range, native status, and bloom time,” explained Troy Evans, GSMNP Vegetation Ecologist.

That information can help you determine the best time of year and location in the park to find specific plant life.

The Plant Species List link will automatically update as new species are added.

GSMNP is home to more than 1,800 species of vascular plants — trees, shrubs, wildflowers, ferns, and vines.

Thanks to Linda Spangler for the wildflower photographs. She took these photographs during a Friends of the Smokies Classic Hike of the Smokies up Big Creek in April.