
Facebook Toolkit

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Help Friends of the Smokies make new friends!

Inspire your friends on social media to become Friends of the Smokies! Use our social media toolkit to share images and text about why you’re giving to support Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s wildlife management programs. You can even start your own fundraiser on Facebook. LEARN MORE 

Ready to share?


We created images and sample text to help you share why you’re supporting the Smokies wildlife management programs for #GivingTuesday2020!

Click on an image, then on the image page, right click to save it to your computer or mobile device, then upload it to your Facebook post.

Announcement Sample Text: 
Dec 1st is #GivingTuesday. This year, I’m asking my friends to become Friends of the Smokies and join me in supporting Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s wildlife management programs to protect the bear and elk populations. Donate on Facebook or online Here: friendsofthesmokies.org/how-to-create-your-giving-tuesday-fundraiser-on-facebook. #GivingTuesday2020

(Tip: link to the donation page on our website or use the Facebook donation button, type Friends of the Smokies and 100% of those dollars will be sent to us!)

Day of Sample Text:
(recommended: add a donation button to your post!)

Today is #GivingTuesday and I’m giving to Friends of the Smokies to support Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s wildlife management programs that protect bear and elk populations! With record-breaking attendance year after year, protecting the park’s most famous residents is critical to their survival and well-being. Donate on Facebook or online Here: friendsofthesmokies.org/how-to-create-your-giving-tuesday-fundraiser-on-facebook. #GivingTuesday2020