
Category: Great Smoky Mountains Association

100 Favorite Trails of the Smokies and the Carolina Blue Ridge — updated map and hiking challenge

July 5, 2022

Hikers on the Mingus Creek Trail

Steve Pierce is one of the leaders of our monthly hiking series, Classic Hikes of the Smokies, which includes several[…]

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African American Experience in the Smokies project moves into 5th year — Making the Invisible, Visible

February 7, 2022

African American Experience in the Smokies slide

Pictured: Screenshot of GSMNP’s East Tennessee Historical Society online presentation.[…]

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GSMNP shares video highlighting Smokies Hikes for Healing

March 2, 2021

Cassius Cash leads Smokies Hikes for Healing

by Julie Dodd Great Smoky Mountains National Park Superintendent Cassius Cash initiated a program last fall to respond to social[…]

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